Dreaming with the Earth-Mind
Paths to Sacred Activism
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About the Author(s)
Bibliographic Details
Kimberly R. Mascaro
Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Bibliographic Info: glossary, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2025
pISBN: 978-1-4766-9655-3
eISBN: 978-1-4766-5615-1
Imprint: Toplight
Book Reviews & Awards
• “Dr. Kimberly Mascaro offers us a heartfelt, authentic and personal look at her journey and relationship with dreams, with eco-psychology, and with ancestors, weaving her lived experience on Maui during the fires with her own ancestral history. She respectfully highlights indigenous viewpoints and provides us with sound action suggestions and her own brand of dream medicine, inviting us to develop our own relationship with the land and our peoples. Bringing her professional expertise combined with her deep love of the earth, Mascaro weaves mystery, indigenous and modern science, history, ancestral work, and dreamscapes into a seamless whole. I highly recommend this compassionate book.”—Linda Yael Schiller, MSW, LICSW, author of Modern Dreamwork
• “The summer I spent in Honolulu in 1960 was one of the happiest and most memorable experiences of my life, and I have returned several times, not only to Oahu and to the other islands as well. I feel very protective of Hawaii and Hawaiians and am very suspicious of authors who try to give themselves an ‘alpha imprimatur’ to burnish their reputations. After reading this book, I had not need to be concerned about Kimberly Mascaro’s account of her time in Maui, as she immersed herself in the history and cultural of that magical island, fathoming in Indigenous knowledge, suffering with residents through the devastating fires, and participating in what she justly calls ‘sacred activism.’ Her background in the ‘dream arts’ make her a unique storyteller, especially in her call for reviving the ancient creation myths that were a product of dreamtime and applying them to humanity’s contemporary evolution.”—Stanley Krippner, PhD, author of A Chaotic Life
• “Dreaming with the Earth-Mind is infused with phoenix energy, rising as it does from the real life flames and ashes of the 2023 Maui wildfires. Dr. Kimberly Mascaro combines her own powerful voice with those of the indigenous people she interviews, in a passionate cry for us to listen to our ancestors and the land they walked. Mascaro explores anger as a sacred ally, creation stories and labyrinths, plant spirit guidance, and life as a collective waking dream. This rich journey from destruction into activism highlights the way that disconnection leads to collective shadow, and enforces the transformative power of hope. Mascaro urges us to recall the ancient ways and dream with the land so that we can rise, phoenix-like, into a creative new relationship with our planet. Reading this fiery book is an initiation into the mysteries of ecological dreaming and the art of sacred activism.”—Dr. Clare Johnson, author of The Complete Book of Lucid Dreaming and Elixir of Sleep, founder of DeepLucidDreaming.com