My Schizophrenic Years

A Memoir


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About the Book

In 1976, while studying at Queens University in Ontario, Les Short began to experience the first of five paranoid schizophrenic episodes that took place over a span of 19 years. This autobiography explores his experiences in acute detail, in his own words, painting these disorienting episodes with such clarity that the reader can even share in the internal logic of Short’s paranoia. Covering episodes of acute psychosis with symptoms of paranoia, synchronicity, visions and voices, this book recounts being committed and confronting psychiatric wards, a battery of therapists, and arrests and imprisonment.
More than just hearing voices, schizophrenia is presented first-hand in a new light, offering detailed and relatable insights on a highly misunderstood illness.

About the Author(s)

Les Short has written more than 15 books. He lives in Montreal, Canada.

Bibliographic Details

Les Short
Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Pages: 173
Bibliographic Info: index
Copyright Date: 2024
pISBN: 978-1-4766-9601-0
eISBN: 978-1-4766-5383-9
Imprint: Toplight

Table of Contents

Preface 1
First Breakdown: I Am Confucius 3
Second Breakdown: Walking in the Rain with Beelzebub 32
Third Breakdown: “We are devils” 58
Fourth Breakdown: Staring Evil in the Face 83
A Time for Healing 105
Fifth Breakdown: A Trip to Paris 123
Getting It Right 160
Index  167