Solving the Pain Puzzle

Cases from 25 Years as a Physical Therapist


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About the Book

In this book, the author discusses his ground-breaking approach to treating chronic musculoskeletal pain, drawn from decades in his Denver, Colorado orthopedic physical therapy clinic. Using a holistic yet evidence-based strategy to solving the body’s pain mysteries, he provides insight and hope to those seeking answers, arguing that the key is to recognize that the location of pain has little to do with where the pain actually originates. The book takes the reader on a journey of self-discovery, revealing unique body connections at the root of chronic pain, and includes real patient stories about how this approach helped with everything from sciatica to migraines.

About the Author(s)

Rick Olderman, MSPT, is a sports and orthopedic physical therapist living in Denver, Colorado. He specializes in treating chronic pain or nagging injuries and derives great satisfaction from helping others return to a pain-free life.


Bibliographic Details

Rick Olderman, MSPT
Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Pages: 171
Bibliographic Info: 12 photos, index
Copyright Date: 2023
pISBN: 978-1-4766-9069-8
eISBN: 978-1-4766-4862-0
Imprint: Toplight

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments vi
Foreword by Elizabeth Sebestyen, M.D. 1
Preface 3
Introduction 5
1. The Reveal 11
2. Summiting Migraines 22
3. Releasing Tigger 28
4. You’d Be Surprised 35
5. I’ll Have Mine with a Twist 39
6. Ground Wires 49
7. Big Man, Small Car 64
8. Naked and Afraid 68
9. The Case of the Shoulder Problem in Her Foot 73
10. Reading Hidden Signals: Three Pains in the Neck 89
11. Pain Is a Sandcastle 109
12. Fear Can Be a Pain in the Neck 118
13. Falling in the Same River Twice 128
14. The Three Pillars of Pain (and How to Topple Them) 134
15. The ­Well-Meaning Mama Did It 141
16. A Case Is Never Truly Closed 149
Index 163

Book Reviews & Awards

• “The book covers pain conditions from different regions of the body and Rick’s tenacious pursuit of alleviating the condition and understanding all the contributing factors. His inclusion of his own personal challenges and methods of addressing those add to the fascination of reading the book. The reader will benefit from the insights and hopefulness of a highly committed practitioner who makes every effort to help his patients and share his knowledge with all of us whether patients or health-care practitioners. I highly recommended this book for a fascinating read and for the information to be gained.”—Shirley Sahrmann, PT, PhD, FAPTA, professor emerita physical therapy, Washington University School of Medicine—St. Louis

• “I can’t tell you how much I am impressed with the work of Rick Olderman. He is a Master Clinician. I have studied and interviewed countless experts on our podcast and am not easily amazed. But he amazes me. He presents material I have never seen before. And it works! I have used his ideas successfully on patients and myself. I have reached the point that anything he puts out, I’m in. This book falls under that category. A pleasure to read, absorb, and put into practice! It will give hope to those with chronic pain, and inspiration to those who treat chronic pain. Thank you, Rick, for your role in reducing human suffering.”—Bob Schrupp, physical therapist