The Science of Spirit

Parapsychology, Enlightenment and Evolution


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About the Book

Throughout the 20th century and into the new millennium, humanity has made enormous advancements in science and technology. Spiritual enlightenment, however, has gone relatively neglected, as fascination with material progress tends to keep us focused on the physical world, giving less importance to universal values, to being, to spiritual life.

Parapsychological research has produced significant findings over the last few decades, and science has the obligation to continue exploring this area, seeking to contribute to the spiritual enlightenment of humanity. This book examines evidence of traditional psychic phenomena, promoting a more comprehensive understanding of them, and offering new perspective to see ourselves as particles of “universal energy,” interconnected with all others.

About the Author(s)

Luis Portela was chairman and CEO of the pharmaceutical company Bial, president of the Health Cluster Portugal, president of the General Board of the University of Porto, and vice-president of Serralves Foundation. He is now the chairman of the Bial Foundation, a non-profit institution supporting scientific research, created by Bial and the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities.

Bibliographic Details

Luis Portela
Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Pages: 182
Bibliographic Info: bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2021
pISBN: 978-1-4766-8389-8
eISBN: 978-1-4766-4152-2
Imprint: Toplight

Table of Contents

1 • From Science to Love (by way of introduction) 1
2 • Towards Enlightenment 4
3 • Particles of Energy 8
4 • Consciousness 12
5 • Spiritual Evolution 18
6 • Grains of Sand 25
7 • Thought Transmission 28
8 • Psychokinesis 35
9 • Willpower 39
10 • Neurosciences and Parapsychology 43
11 • Near-Death Experiences 49
12 • Successive Lives 53
13 • Survival and Instrumental TransCommunication 60
14 • Astral Body 65
15 • Regression and Progression 69
16 • Mediumship 76
17 • Intuition 83
18 • Self-Healing and Healing 86
19 • Paradigm Shift 92
20 • Transparency 97
21 • Discernment 103
22 • Discovering the Path 109
23 • Universal Values 114
24 • Responsibility 120
25 • Learning to Think 127
26 • Whole Truth 132
27 • Happiness 136
28 • Harmony 140
29 • Impersonal Life 146
30 • Unconditional Love 153
Bibliography 157
Index 173

Book Reviews & Awards

• “In The Science of Spirit, Luis Portela shows how decades of rigorous parapsychological research points toward a new understanding of our interconnectedness with other people and with the natural world. I know of no other resource that makes this connection as clearly as this very readable book, which is accessible to everyone. Portela explains how this scientific research provides a solid foundation for an appreciation of our spiritual nature, and of the values that lead to a life in harmony with the world around us. The Science of Spirit will open your eyes and your heart”—Bruce Greyson, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, University of Virginia

• “In his wonderful book, Luis Portela, chairman of the Bial Foundation, reviews, in an easy-to-understand way, the empirical evidence for psychic phenomena that supports the development of a science of Spirit. He also elegantly explains how such an emerging science will contribute to the spiritual enlightenment of humanity. Furthermore, being a visionary, Luis Portela shows how basic ethical principles and universal values can guide us—interconnected particles of ‘universal energy’—in co-creating a more evolved world and a better future”—Mario Beauregard, PhD, neuroscientist, Department of Psychology, The University of Arizona, author of Brain Wars and Expanding Reality

• “The two traditions with the most advanced perspectives about the nature of reality are science and spirituality. Sometimes seen at odds with each other, in truth these traditions are both part of the same complex whole, and a growing number of scientists and scholars are beginning to see a bridge forming between the two. Dr. Luis Portela’s The Science of Spirit is a wonderful contribution to the building of this bridge by a highly accomplished medical professional who has thought deeply about these issues for many decades. Well worth reading”—Dean Radin, PhD, chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), author of the award-winning The Conscious Universe, Entangled Minds, Supernormal and Real Magic

• “The Science of Spirit summarises major advances in consciousness studies and psychic research in the last few decades from a very well-informed point of view, and combines this with a spiritual perspective inspired by the wisdom traditions of the world’s religions. The book itself and the individual chapters are admirably concise. In his calm and insightful writing, Portela invites us to live our lives more deeply and more wisely”—Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, biologist, bestselling author of The Science Delusion and Science and Spiritual Practices

• “The Science of Spirit, written in the style of an inspired and well-informed manual for living, elegantly bridges the current gap between books that provide interested readers with information about controversial consciousness-based phenomena and books that offer love—and compassion-based pathways designed to support human thriving on a spiritual level. Each element supports the other, and both are expertly interleaved with the author’s own observations from a spiritual and personal standpoint about what it means to evolve as a human being. I found myself agreeing sometimes, disagreeing at others, but throughout I was grateful to experience Portela’s own transparent spiritual responsibility and uniqueness coming through, in support of humanity and the planet”—Julia Mossbridge, PhD, co-founder, TILT: The Institute for Love and Time; affiliate professor, University of San Diego

• “Luís Portela, through his Bial Foundation, has assiduously been one the most important supporters in the last few decades of rigorous research on parapsychology, alterations of consciousness, and psychophysiology. This new book presents his view on the implications of such research within the framework of his personal philosophy”—Etzel Cardeña, PhD, Thorsen Professor at Lund University, co-editor of Parapsychology: A Handbook for the 21st Century, Varieties of Anomalous Experience and Altering Consciousness