The Sphagnum Moss Bonsai Method

An Illustrated Handbook


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About the Book

Most bonsai enthusiasts are familiar with the process of growing these miniature trees in soil, a method that dates back 2000 years. This instructional book explains a new method of growing bonsai trees in sphagnum moss, producing beautiful results with far less work than the traditional method.
All topics pertinent to the growing of bonsai trees in sphagnum moss are covered, including watering, fertilizing, trimming and pruning, anti-fungicides and insecticides, bonsai styles and diagnosing problems.
A huge improvement over traditional practices, the sphagnum moss method makes the growing of miniature trees much quicker and easier and opens the hobby to a wider range of enthusiasts. This handbook is appropriate for both horticulturalists and amateurs.

About the Author(s)

Gerald M. Levitt is the YouTube host of Adventures in Bonsai with more than 200 videos posted, exploring the growth and maintenance of bonsai trees.

Bibliographic Details

Gerald M. Levitt
Format: softcover (7 x 10)
Pages: 199
Bibliographic Info: 249 photos (30 in color), bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2011
pISBN: 978-0-7864-6292-6
eISBN: 978-0-7864-8590-1
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments      vi
Preface      1
Introduction      3


1. Bonsai History      7
2. The New Easy Sphagnum Moss Method Explained      18
3. General Plant Care with the Sphagnum Moss Method      30
4. Pots and Containers      46
5. Tools      51
6. Bonsai Stands and Shelves      62
7. Making a Bonsai Using the New Method      65
8. Special Techniques      80
9. Finishing Touches      92
10. Maintenance      97

Between pages 98 and 99 are 16 color plates containing 30 images

11. Wigert’s Bonsai Nursery      99
12. Automatic Water and Fertilization and Semi-Automatic Water System      103
13. Cold Weather Care      112
14. Propagation      114
15. Pot Drainage      118
16. Directional Pruning      121
17. Planting a Specimen from the Wild      126

Appendix A: YouTube Videos About the Sphagnum Moss Method      128
Appendix B: Bonsai Clubs, Societies, and Nurseries      136
Appendix C: Light and Soil Requirements of Some Trees      168
Bibliography      171
Index      173

Book Reviews & Awards

“This illustrated guide to bonsai gardens in an easy to use moss medium provides step-by-step instructions and practical advice for creating attractive plantings with this simplified method”—Reference & Research Book News.