The Motivated Worker

A Manager’s Guide to Improving Job Satisfaction


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About the Book

How can managers and executives motivate workers to make them happier and more productive? How can employees find meaning and motivation in their careers? The classic Two Factor Theory—a simple, time-tested model for conceptualizing job satisfaction—is here re-imagined for a modern world, with relevant examples, and backed by dozens of academic studies that organizational leaders can draw upon to improve worker motivation.

The Universal Dual-Factor Survey (UDS) is introduced, providing a means to assess workforce job satisfaction. Managers will be able to understand which factors need improvement, leading to more meaningful work. Employees, at all levels of business, government and nonprofit organizations, will be able to improve personal motivation, facilitating a more cohesive and thriving workforce.

About the Author(s)

Brad Ward is an associate professor of business administration at Milligan University in Johnson City, Tennessee.

Bibliographic Details

Brad Ward
Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Pages: 211
Bibliographic Info: 15 photos, appendix, notes, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2021
pISBN: 978-1-4766-8021-7
eISBN: 978-1-4766-4161-4
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments v

Preface: Why I Wrote This Book and How It Can Help You 1

Introduction 5

Section I. Two Factor Theory for Managers

1. From Taylor to Herzberg: Why Motivation Matters 11

2. The Two Factor Theory: Why Vintage Theory Is Relevant 20

Section II. The Foundation: Hygiene Factors

3. Salary and Benefits: Why Union Workers Aren’t Happy 33

4. Supervision: Why the Cavaliers Booted Blatt 45

5. Policy: Why Workers Want Wi-Fi 55

6. Working Conditions: Why the Legal Landscape Needs Navigating 71

7. Job Security: Why Rank and Yank Doesn’t Motivate 80

Section III. The House: Motivators

8. Interpersonal Relationships and Recognition: Why Cliques Persist Post–High School 93

9. Achievement: Why “Culture Officer” Is a Legitimate Job Title 105

10. Work Itself + Responsibility: Why the Division of Labor Created Bored Workers 119

11. Growth: Why Maslow Is Still Magnificent 129

Section IV. Measuring Employee Job Satisfaction

12. The Universal Dual-Factor Survey (UDS) 141

13. Analyzing and Displaying Survey Results 150

14. The Motivation-Hygiene Grid 159

15. Cautions, Caveats and Contemplations 162

Conclusion 168

Appendix: UDS Reliability 169

Chapter Notes 171

Bibliography 187

Index 201